Brother John Martin books:
In French :
* "The human being is greater than religion." (Ed.) (Saccidânanda ashram, India)
* "The Parabola of the Kingdom of God".
In English :
* " You are the light, Rediscovering the Eastern Jesus " ( O books 2003)
* "The Hindu Christ: Jesus' Message Through Eastern Eyes"
* " A short comparative study between Shankara and Maître Eckhart " (2005)
* " Four O'clock Talks: discussions with John Martin Sahajananda (2007 Ed. Carrie Lock).
A number of these books will be translated in French and will be published as soon as possible.
To go further:
Marie -Madeleine Davy : " Henri Le Saux, Le passeur entre deux rives ". (Ed. Albin Michel)
Shirley Du Boulay: "the cave of the heart" (swami Abishiktananda; Henry Le Saux life) Ed. du Cerf
Henri Le Saux O.S.B. : " Initiation à la spiritualité des Upanishads ". (Ed. Présence)
"Jules Monchanin, Regards d'Occident et d'Orient " (PROFAC-CREDIC 1997)
Bede Griffiths: "the marriage of the East and the West" (Templegate 1992)